Sunday, May 3, 2009

Helicopter gives birds eye view of Valley City!

Hawkeye Helicopter Company has come to Valley City to give people a bird’s eye view of the City and the huge dike efforts our community put together. The helicopter company is based out of the twin cities and was in Fargo before coming here to Valley City. The part-owner, Greg Miller, says they will most likely go to Jamestown next after being here in Valley City. Miller says that they take people up after their property is safe and show them a bird’s eye view of their property to show them all they have done to save what they cherish most. Homes, businesses, building structures of all sorts and Miller even say that it never gets old, you will always find something new. The cost per person to take a flight at about 600 feet in the air is about forty dollars per person. Bob Krier, one of the pilots which has over 1,000 hours of flying time in a helicopter takes turns flying with the police detective from Champlin, Minnesota, Brian Wentworth. The helicopter takes off out of the AmericanInn/Sabir’s parking lot on Winter Show road. According to Miller, ninety-five percent of the passengers are flood fighting people who have either helped with sandbagging, building dikes, or saving their own homes. This is a link to the Hawkeye Helicopter Company:
The diking efforts that have gone on here in Valley City are astounding. People united in one great front to take this disaster by force to keep the town afloat. If it wasn’t for the great efforts of the truck drivers, heavy machine operators, National Guardsmen who help to protect and serve this great country, we would be in a world of hurt. We owe a ton of gratitude to all who helped with the chaotic situation that was bestowed upon us. I for one am very great full for all my buddies who came down to the farm at six in the morning to help out my family with the flood. This flood has changed the way I look at nature in all aspects. This has truly become a worldwide disaster that will never be forgotten by my generation or generations to come. Not only have I been affected, but everyone has been that lives along the Sheyenne River and any river that flooded over this last 1 ½ month period. My best of wishes to all that have had to deal with this flood, and I know we will get through it!


  1. That would be Sweet to go in one of those rides. To see all the flooding, even though it has gone down, and all the dikes and such that were built to fight the flood.
    If only I had $40 to dish out to hop on a ride. I think it would be one that you would remember for a long time.

  2. Ya i my mom and dad who are live in Fargo, said they were doing the same thing there with airplane rides to go up and down the Red River. It sounds like it would an awesome site to see just how devastating and how far out of the banks the Sheyenne has gone. That and $40 is not a bad price for a ride that would be unforgettable.

  3. Those helecopter rides would have been nice. While sandbagging you could not even grasp the idea of how much water there actually was. While sandbagging in Fargo I was taken on a bus with frosted windows and dropped of in the during the night to help a neighborhood. It was raining/snowing I had no idea where I was or what the river even looked like. A birds eye view of all the hard work would definately be nice!!

  4. Giving helicopter rides to people so they can see just how much of an effort was put in by all of the people that donated their time and effort is a good idea. This will give people a better idea of just what kind of effort went into fighting this flood. I am sure that this flood will be remembered for many years to come. It was an amazing effort that was put in by everyone that helped with the flooding.

  5. I was naturally pretty jacked when I read about his on the Times Record website because the guy has the same name as me. How confusing would it be if I rode with him in the helicopter and it crashed? Anyway, a helicopter ride would be pretty sweet and I think that's a sweet idea.
